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  • Writer's pictureshikhar kwatra

Cognitive Threshold Variations

Not sure how to pen this down but I guess writing is the most appropriate form to vent out my bottled up emotions. I have been hard on myself my entire life and I like being positive regardless of the situation. I have tried speaking out to the people but "Knowing your audience" plays a crucial role to the extent to which you can exhibit, articulate or enunciate your thoughts.

The problem starts with someone tending to associate negative connotation to most of the things going on in their life and me being me, analyzing every freaking thing to an extent that drives me into a state of helplessness.

This state is temporal in nature of-course, but with burgeoning frustration level. Does this mean I stop loving my loved ones? No. Does this mean I also need to vent out from time to time? No since that's not me. I tend to incline towards the self-portrait mode where I'm trying to absorb the thoughts of the other person and my brain is itching to find solutions to the problem. But sometimes, there are no solutions and that's when I feel one should take control of their body and mind to handle some of their emotions and don't speak out the negative thoughts they don't really mean. I can't try to explain the audience how I feel when articulating the solution or hearing the same issue multiple times since its not perceived in the form of constructive feedback but rather generates feelings of disdain and contempt in both the parties.

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